Yayasan Peneraju: Assessment Day

Assalamualaikum and hai gais!

After a week, the result is out gais! hshshs

They called me for an interview session on 1st April where starts from 9 a.m. until 10 a.m.
Again, they give us a brief explanation about Yayasan Penaraju, MyPac, CAT, ACCA and etc. Most important is, this session really helps us the candidates because during the interview session the panels do ask about all these. 

So, the room for the interview is just small and chill. There were three panels where they are the representative from Sunway TES, Yayasan Peneraju, and MyPac. Of course, the rule before entering the room is to give salam or just an Hai. I think the interview is more like a sharing session with the panels, not too relaxed, not too stressful. 

Some of the questions that they did ask me:

1) Tell us about your family background
2) Why do you choose this programme?
3) Where did you know about this programme?
4) What will you do if you do not get this sponsorship
5) Are you applied for another scholarship? Can you tell us what scholarship did you applied?
6) What university do you apply?
7) If you do not get this sponsorship, are you still want to pursue your study in accounting?
8) What did you know about ACCA?
9) CAT how many papers? How long? What are the passing marks?
Answer: CAT- 9 papers, 1 year, passing marks 65%
10) After CAT, so how many papers for ACCA? How long? Passing marks?
Answer: After CAT- Exemption 3 papers for ACCA. So ACCA tinggal 11 papers. Jangka masa belajar 3 years. Passing marks 50%

p/s: All in all, the session took almost half an hour. It is nothing to be worried.
I am still in dilemma either to pursue ACCA or not. May Allah ease my journey and bless my choice. Ameen.

yain.farzana.m@gmail.com or through Instagram: yainfarzana


  1. Replies
    1. sorry baru perasan. yes I pass tapi atas beberapa sebab saya tolak. And alhamdulillah saya sekarang dekat UUM, Asasi Pengurusan. If you want to know about UUM do email me!

  2. Nak tanya..
    1)interviewer tu salah sorgnya encik hafiz kan?
    2)korang ada gelak2 or borak2 masa interview tu tak? atau interviewer tu serius je..

    1. 1) I'm not sure la. sorry serious tak ingat sebab mas atu gabra ya ampunnnnn hahahaha.
      2) takde la serious mana heeee kadang2 lawak hehehe. lawak jugak bila interviewer tu tanya in english and I tak faham hahahah kelakar rasa macam noob nyeee

  3. Saya nak tnya . Soalan yg dia tnya do you applied another scholarship tu nk jwp ape eh . Sbb saya apply tp course lain hahahah nanti mereka ingt tk bebetul minat acca

    1. saya jawab je saya apply. for your situation i'm not sure about how to answer, but you have to convince them that you still put a hope to get this sponsorship and really want to pursue cat-acca

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. hye nak tnye dia punya assessment test online ke essay or macam mana. i hope u reply this quickly. i really need a help

  6. Nak tanya kalau kita tak faham soaln yang ditanya tuu,nak jwb ap yerk,dia akn translate tak ke dia tukar soaln terus.

    1. First you ask the inteviewer to refrase The question and kalau xleh jwb jgak im dont answer for this question and cakap i will find out after this iv


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