Yayasan Peneraju- Result

Assalamualaikum and Hai gais! 

Alhamdulillah the result is...... "Tahniah anda diterima!"
Subhanallah I couldn't describe my feeling right now! Excited but confuse.....

I'm not sure if any of you pernah rasa perasaan confuse and tak tenang ni.

After a few days and hours think, think and keep thinking......
I made a decision to.......DECLINE this offer.

Yes, it was a hard decision, and of course, many people questioned my decision. I have my own reasons yang tak perlu pun semua tahu. I think this is best for me right now.

Alhamdulillah, thank you for reading my experience throughout Assesment Day and Interview Day. I hope the bright future is with me. Ameen InshaAllah.

All the best for those who apply this sponsorship!

yain.farzana.m@gmail.com or through Instagram: yainfarzana


  1. amin. mudah mudahan ain :) aku sentiasa support kau :) -nini comel :p


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