
Showing posts from 2017


So HAI ASSALAMUALAIKUM. Harini nak habaq sikit pasal YAYASAN PENERAJU. Since aku dah dengar dengan telinga sendiri daripada orang2 atasan Yayasan Peneraju kan. So why not kita share. Yayasan Peneraju terbahagi kepada 3 : 1) Peneraju Tunas - gaji dibawah RM 4000 a) Tunas Geliga Tunas Geliga ni untuk students sekolah rendah and menengah. Boleh minta after result UPSR OR PT3 b) Tunas Potensi So yang ni untuk students lepasan SPM. Tak banyak sangat pasal Peneraju Tunas yang aku tahu. Ak bg tau dia punya surface je. 2) PENERAJU SKIL a) Skil Iltizam Ni untuk pelajar yang keciciran pelajaran Cth : Tak amik SPM atau result yg teruk b) Skil Ni untuk pekerja mahir esp. dlm bidng oil and gas and byk lagi. So YANG AKU NAK HIGHLIGHT IS 3) PENERAJU PROFESIONAL a) Peneraju Profesional- Big Data b) Peneraju Profesional- Pensijilan SAP Dua ni aku tak tahu banyak so korang pandai2 ah kan cari sendiri. c) Peneraju Profesional- Perakaunan So

Nukilan 1

1) Berjalan jalan di tepi paya, Ternampak pula kekasih hati, Sudilah awak terima saya, Kalau tidak rajuk saya nanti. #pantununtukawak 2) Impian saya untuk bersama, Tetapi macam terburu buru, Kalau rajuk jangan lama lama, Takut saya cari yang baru. #pantunnakcurang 3) Kasih terhenti musnahlah angan, Menangis hiba di dalam sendu, Jika rajuk usah berpanjangan, Gundah hatiku menyimpan rindu.


Assalamualaikum and Hai gais! UUM (ASASI PENGURUSAN) Malas nak cerita panjang sebab aku macam busy lately so just to sum up the flow of the day  So pagi tu ak gerak dengan makngah dari Seri Kembangan like after subuh macam tu. Pukul 6 45 pagi dah gerak sebab iv dia kat UUM KL rakan rakan. Haaaaaaaa takut jammed je. So amik masa dalam half an hour je nak sampai. Masa sampai tu dalam 7 50 pagi and guess what? PEJABAT TAK BUKAK LAGI HA. Hahah dalam surat mmg iv pukul 8 30 pagi. Aku saje datang awal nampak la effort nak sangat UUM ni.  So 8 30 pagi tu baru dia bukak and semua students pergi la tingkat 5. Masa beratur nak amik no giliran tu aku nampak la nama budak2 SGS yang lain and aku la orang pertama yang sampai hahaha. Sistem dia siapa sampai dulu dia dapat giliran dulu hahaha no giliran aku 21. Kira round yang kedua. Dah lama sikit aku dengar bunyi kecoh kecoh kan hahahah budak sgs bawak sekampung ada la dalam 12 org yg dtg iv ni . Kecoh habis So dekat iv ni ada 2

Yayasan Peneraju- Result

Assalamualaikum and Hai gais!  Bismillah... Alhamdulillah the result is...... " Tahniah anda diterima! " Subhanallah I couldn't describe my feeling right now! Excited but confuse..... I'm not sure if any of you pernah rasa perasaan confuse and tak tenang ni. TERIMA? atau TOLAK? After a few days and hours think, think and keep thinking...... I made a decision to....... DECLINE this offer. Yes, it was a hard decision, and of course, many people questioned my decision. I have my own reasons yang tak perlu pun semua tahu. I think this is best for me right now. Alhamdulillah, thank you for reading my experience throughout Assesment Day and Interview Day. I hope the bright future is with me. Ameen InshaAllah. All the best for those who apply this sponsorship! Contact: or through Instagram: yainfarzana

Yayasan Peneraju: Assessment Day

Assalamualaikum and hai gais! After a week, the result is out gais! hshshs They called me for an interview session on 1st April where starts from 9 a.m. until 10 a.m. Again, they give us a brief explanation about Yayasan Penaraju, MyPac, CAT, ACCA and etc. Most important is, this session really helps us the candidates because during the interview session the panels do ask about all these.  So, the room for the interview is just small and chill. There were three panels where they are the representative from Sunway TES, Yayasan Peneraju, and MyPac. Of course, the rule before entering the room is to give  salam or just an  Hai. I think the interview is more like a sharing session with the panels, not too relaxed, not too stressful.  Some of the questions that they did ask me: 1) Tell us about your family background 2) Why do you choose this programme? 3) Where did you know about this programme? 4) What will you do if you do not get this sponsorship 5) Are you

Yayasan Peneraju: Assessment Day

Assalamualaikum and hello gais!  So basically, I got an offer for an assessment at Sunway TES and it was for sponsorship under Yayasan Peneraju. As far as I know, sponsorship under Yayasan Peneraju ni available either in INTEC or Sunway TES. The day starts at 9.45 a.m. The registration starts at 10 but yaa on time is late kan... (cehhhhh) So the session starts with the explanation of representatives from Peneraju, MyPac, and Sunway itself. 11.45 a.m.- Explanation from Peneraju, MyPac and Sunway TES. 1.20 p.m.- Lunch and Zuhr 2.15 p.m.- English Assessment 4.45 p.m.- Math Assessment Basically Assessment Day consist of 3 parts :  First Part - Explaination from representatives Part ni kena la dengar betul. Pihak sponsorship akan bagitahu apa dia akan bagi and apa akan jadi kalau fail paper semua. Banyak lagi sebab tu masa penerangan lama sampai tengah hari. Walaupun mengantuk awak semua tetap kena dengar betul betul ye. Second Part - English Assessment (+-One